Chapter1 New Silk Road and Central Asia from a “Geo-Economic” Perspective
Chapter2 Forming a Beads-type Industrial City along the New Silk Road
Chapter3 Dynamic Catch-Up and the Possibility for New Regional Economic Development
Chapter4 EU Trade Policy towards Central Asia States: Implications for China and Japan
Chapter5 Measuring the Transportation Competitiveness of the New Silk Road
Chapter6 Economic Development in Central Asia and Infrastructure
Chapter7 Chinese Regional Development and the New Silk Road: An Examination of Existing Major Cities and Emerging Small-to-medium Sized Cities in the Central Region of China
Chapter8 Pattern of the Newly-Internationally Traded Products in Central Asian Countries
Chapter9 New Silk Road and Economic Development in Kazakhstan
Chapter10 Economic Overview of Uzbekistan: Cooperation, Free Industrial Zone stablishment, and Financial Stability
Chapter11 Importance of Innovative Endogenous Industrial Policies for Shrinking Cities along the Silk Road
Chapter12 Economic Development of the New Silk Road Area and Its Links with Japan
Closing Remarks